Rounded, 5" clusters head of little bells. It’s perfect for growing in drifts or large clumps in a sunny border, or large container, and makes an impressive cut … Alliums are sun-lovers and prefer well-drained, even sandy, soil. Accept Plant allium bulbs in fall or early winter. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. Allium giganteum is planted in fall more or less 4 to 5 inches (10 to 12 cm) deep in light soil. Allium ‘White Giant’ bears beautiful, large globes of bright white flowers, in early summer. Distinctive, spherical shapes for playful perennial gardens Alliums, otherwise known as ornamental onions, produce showy, globe-shaped flowerheads made up of many small and delicate stand-alone blooms… Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Learn How To Plant And Care for Your Spring Flower Bulbs, Allium hollandicum 'Purple Sensation' (Ornamental Onion), Allium 'Mount Everest' (Ornamental Onion), Allium sphaerocephalon (Drumstick Allium), Aquilegia vulgaris var. These are extremely tough plants that are both drought resistant and cold tolerant. Plants, fertilizer and other supplies* will be shipped at the proper planting time for your area of the country during the shipping timeframes outlined below. A good tip to know how … We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. Delicious, healthful fruits and vegetables. Spacing will vary based on variety, refer to the Allium packaging for specifics. Elegant ‘Mount Everest’ has pure white, 5-inch diameter flowers on tall stems. Such a lovely plant combination to cheer you up for... Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. Planting: Plant Alliums more shallowly than comparably sized bulbs, just one to two times the diameter of the bulb deep. We are supplying an attractive mixture consisting of most of the available cultivars of this lovely group of plants, including 'Leo', and 'Hidcote'. White Cloud Allium is delightfully fragrant, and it draws in beneficial pollinators like butterflies and honeybees so well. One of the tallest white Alliums, Allium 'White Giant' features huge globes, 6-8 in. The genus Allium (the Latin means 'garlic') offers colorful, distinctive, and long-lasting forms that stand out in the early-summer garden. Buy Allium bulbs such as Allium Globemaster, Purple Sensation, Giganteum, Gladiator, Mount Everest and more … An allium flower head is a cluster of individual florets. Here is a charming plant combination that can be enjoyed... Long-lasting, drought tolerant and easy care! Pollinators love the hardy, long … Allium giganteum, 'Globemaster' and Allium … Fertilizer/Soil and pH: Alliums prefer well-drained, fertile soil. Plant allium bulbs … In the summer, the soil is allowed to be drier than normal. Fertilize in fall and … Combine it with Allium 'Ambassador' or plant it in the middle of a patch of lavender-blue Nepeta … Get 1 exotic White Giant Allium Bulb to Plant and Grow Huge White Blooming Onion! If you are not pleased with your purchase, please call us at (812) 260-2148 or email us at and our Customer Service representatives will be happy to help you obtain a merchandise credit. The ornamental onions distinguish themselves by their great diversity in color, inflorescence and flowering height. They are borne atop sturdy, upright stems and rise above the foliage of upright, strap-shaped, glossy green leaves. Michigan Bulb Company® is a registered trademark of Gardens Alive, Inc. If you look closer, you'll notice the blooms have a subtle accent too, in light flecks of pink. We have received your request. Order with complete confidence. How not to marvel at the sumptuous colors of this perennial... Wow! Adds interest and movement to the border with its... Everlasting shimmering amethyst flowers! ©2020 Gardens Alive, Inc. All rights reserved. Mixes beautifully with other late spring flowering bulbs and creates stunning combinations with pink or white Delphiniums, Peonies or Irises. White Cloud Allium is delightfully fragrant, and it draws in beneficial pollinators like butterflies and honeybees … Made in USA. Enjoy big, beautiful blooms year after year. Boasting of the biggest flower heads, multiple... A favorite of many gardeners, multiple... One of the tallest and most architectural onions... Large shimmering white flowers! See more ideas about Allium flowers, Allium, Flowers. Allium ‘Mount Everest’ growing with euphorbia, salvia and verbascum In this plant combination, the while allium flowers bring a freshness and contrast to the otherwise green and purple … stellata 'Black Barlow' (Columbine), Papaver orientale 'Beauty of Livermere' (Oriental Poppy), Great Bulbs and Perennials as Companion Plants for Azaleas and Rhododendrons, Brighten Up Your Garden From January Through May with Colorful Flower Bulbs, Want Garden Inspiration? Plant allium bulbs 4-6” deep, with the old roots of the bulb touching the earth, the pointed end should be facing the sky. Allium is a genus of monocotyledonous flowering plants that includes hundreds of species, including the cultivated onion, garlic, scallion, shallot, leek, and chives. This medium-height plant features white to pinkish-white flowers with six petals and deep red hearts that … While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates.
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