buckeye recipe with wax

… 2. 1 jar (15 ounces) smooth peanut butter The next time I saw my sister-in-law’s mom, she handed me a card with the recipe for her delicious (and famous) buckeyes. Tweet. Form into large marble-size balls and place on baking sheet lined with wax paper. I haven't had a good Buckeye in quite some time. I hope you and your family continue to enjoy making (and eating) these buckeyes for years to come! If you use chocolate chips add 2 tablespoons paraffin wax and omit the coconut oil. Dip the peanut balls about 3/4 of the way in to the chocolate. I wonder if it is supposed to be 1 cup..? I actually just keep these in the fridge after thawing, and then when you go to serve them at holidays, they warm up a little while they are sitting out on the table. Put a wooden toothpick in the middle of a buckeye. Lay another sheet of wax paper on the cold cookie sheet. You’ve never had these? She has to hide them on us so she has enough left to make trays of cookies for family and friends. Like, instead of saying Worcestershire sauce, they’ll say add some Lea & Perrins. Easy Buckeye Recipe With Paraffin Wax. It's one of our favorites, and I always make several batches every Christmas too! Especially when some of your treats turn out horribly lol. Paraffin wax is made from palm oil derivatives, vegetable oils, synthetic resins and other materials. Gradually add powdered sugar until completely combined. You can also use a hand mixer or wooden spoon to mix the peanut butter/butter dough. Stir in the powdered sugar. It’s actually a pretty simple recipe to make. We have a reputation to uphold! We’re a little particular about it, if truth be told. For years? Hello and welcome! Thanks for the memories. Posted on Published: December 15, 2018 - Last updated: November 16, 2020 Categories Desserts, Recipes. They are the absolute perfect proportions of smooth peanut butter and dark chocolate. Here's to all things chocolate! Looking forward to it! Visit the post for more. I don't find 12 … My double boiler insert is similar to this one and just sits over a regular pan. In a mixing bowl, add peanut butter, butter and vanilla extract and mix everything until smooth. Combine chocolate chips and shortening in a small bowl. I have heard about these for years! My original recipe calls for ¼ pound of paraffin wax to be melted along with the chocolate in the double boiler, your call if you want to do that. The heat of the margarine melts in pretty quickly. First, stir together the melted butter and peanut butter. anytime of year, but most especially at the holidays. I’ve tried butter, Crisco, a teeny bit of oil, nothing produces the texture of the paraffin. Buckeyes Peanut Er Chocolate With Grace 1. I'm glad to hear of someone who else enjoying our buckeye recipe! Put an inch or two of water in the pan, and place the metal bowl inside. I taught in Ohio for 5 years, so the Buckeyes are clearly a treasured treat there! I now only use Ghiradelli semi-sweet chocolate chips (rather than Nestle’s) for my buckeyes because they melt the smoothest. Press it out evenly with the … Check out how we're thriving when our income has been cut in half, take a look at some of my custom, Biblical books (with free printables) or learn how to build a stockpile that works for your family. Nearly 20 years into this marriage and I now have […], […] The Classic Buckeye from Joyfully Thriving 11. Oh, and if you like buckeyes? My biggest struggle is to stay joyful and relax while trying to "get it all done" and not become overwhelmed. I currently make a more moderate number of around 400. (You can add a little more sugar if the dough is too soft.) If not, what do you think the shelf life is (not frozen) after making them? I was raised on candy that was wax shaped into things like vampire teeth or soda bottles filled with colorful liquid sugar so wax as an edible isn’t a stretch form me! They are super easy and always loved! Recipe. How to Make Perfect Homemade Buckeyes […]. I grew up using Imperial margarine, but now use butter. :-). Serving size for nutritional information is 1 buckeye. In a large bowl, stir together the peanut butter, softened butter, vanilla extract, and salt with a wooden spoon. I do t want to use to much. They should be quarter size or smaller. Here is the Barz family recipe for our delicious homemade buckeyes. MICROWAVE chocolate chips and shortening in medium microwave-safe bowl on HIGH power 45 seconds.  Freeze in single layers in a Tupperware container with a tight fitting lid, with layers of wax paper between. (Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips are my favorite and I think melt into the best consistency for dipping. The easy peasy way to mix the Buckeye recipe is to use a stand mixer. If you’ve been following the blog for some time, you may have noticed that I avoid shortening in most (if not all) of my recipes. Anyway, these buckeyes are soft and tender in the middle peanut butter layer, and the crunch of the chocolate coating? I'm glad to hear you enjoy making and sharing them, too! […], […] could get that same classic Buckeyes deliciousness without having to coat anything? I hope that helps! Yes, that is the correct amount as given to me years ago from a relative in Ohio. Even Reese can’t compare to a delicious buckeye. Would it make a difference? Thanks, Brit! Chill in refrigerator until set. Step 2. And it’s so interesting with her generation, the ingredients, which are few, call for specific brands. Where I grew up in Ohio, every 5th grader learned to make this version of the beloved state nut. Any reason butter would make a difference? Once you have added 4 cups, add the last bit of powdered sugar slowly. Lol. Buckeye Recipe With Wax Morris Bottorff February 25, 2017 Buckeyes peanut er buckeye recipe ohio state tradition easy buckeye recipe sugar spun run buckeyes peanut er Hi there! Place on waxed paper, remove toothpick, gently pinch hole together. OH-IO! Place in the freezer for … Add the powdered sugar … Almost all of the other recipes call for 1 stick, or 1 1/2 sticks. My boys and all their friends ask for them every year. Love them all. Peanut butter, butter, confectioners sugar and vanilla are mixed together into a somewhat stiff consistency, then rolled into balls and dipped in melted chocolate. Buckeye Recipe With Paraffin Wax. Butter will work just fine! Buckeyes can be made with margarine or butter. Or the peanut butter goes straight from the jar into the melted butter? Allow the excess chocolate to drip into the pan. I make about 80 buckeyes from a batch when I roll them quarter size. Buckeye Recipe Made With Paraffin Wax. Gradually add powdered sugar until mixture is not sticky. I used to make them with margarine (name brand Imperial is the best) but now use butter. I've perused many buckeye recipes on here, and I want to verify with you the amount of butter your recipe is calling for. Well, then, it's time. Depending on how large (or small) you roll them, between 80 and 100. Along with Buckeyes at Christmastime, I always make Kolachkes and Peanut Butter Blossoms. Please comment, rate it and share! Subscribe to my Newsletter and come hang out with me on INSTAGRAM, or give me a follow on FACEBOOK or see what I’m pinning on PINTEREST. Mine don’t look as good as hers, my dipping skills need some work, but they taste just like hers. Bryont Rugs and Livings June 24, 2018. Thanks! First, stir together the melted butter and peanut butter. I think I used to eat hundreds of them, too! I just prefer … Cathy. Place the buckeye on a plate covered with wax paper. So, I keep reminding myself - one day at a time and one task at a time! Lol. BEAT powdered sugar, peanut butter, butter, vanilla and salt in large bowl with mixer on medium speed until blended. Press a toothpick into the top of each ball (to be used later as the handle for dipping) and chill in … Cut each bar into 3 pieces. They also freeze well. People give a strange look when I tell them about the parafin! Roll peanut butter mixture into balls (36 -- more or less depending on desired size) and place on … Ooh! This post may contain affiliate links. I have to tell you, I make Buckeyes every year and this year I changed to YOUR family receipe. Santa Cruz Organic Dark Roasted Peanut Butter is the lowest in carbs that I’ve found. Uncategorized. I use Ghirardelli Chocolate melting wafers to dip mine in. Uncategorized. I’ve written about our homemade buckeyes before. Buckeyes are sure to become a often requested family favorite! 3. Store your buckeyes in the refrigerator or freezer. I'm just wondering, do you melt the peanut butter and melted butter together over heat? I also have tried all kinds of brands and types from semi-sweet to milk chocolate to bittersweet or dark chocolate. They freeze great! Kristen, can I make the buckeye dough one day and dip the next? HUNGRY FOR MORE? Go Buckeyes! In a mixing bowl, … She actually used margarine, I chose butter instead. It’s also important to use a double boiler so that water does not touch your chocolate. I have not had a problem with them getting too warm and melty, in part, I think, to the gulf wax. I did use Nestles. Mix until smooth, using your hands. I did use real butter though and melting first was a huge key! Feels like you're a small part of their tradition :) Not to mention these are super easy and are always a hit :) I'm so glad to hear the buckeyes were a hit! Mix until almost combined after each … Sometimes the ball will want to fall off of the toothpick, or the ball with break apart. Buckeyes! You can sign up for blog updates with my email newsletter here. Gentle lower into the chocolate and rotate so the buckeye is covered with a small hole remaining around the toothpick. It’s also amazing! Hi Kelly, quick question.. This year I won't even have to make any excuses like the crumbly/ lumpy messes I've given them in the past. If you don’t have a double boiler, use a metal bowl place inside a pan on your stove. Then, stir in the powdered sugar and you are ready to roll buckeyes. Each box of paraffin comes with 4 bars. Then, place the buckeye on a plate covered with wax paper. Enjoy your Buckeyes! […] Homemade Buckeyes – These are a classic dessert and a must in your house! Buckeye Ball Recipe With Wax Brain Kahalehoe August 17, 2018 Buckeyes peanut er easy buckeye recipe sugar spun run buckeyes peanut er buckeyes recipe food network kitchen I don't buy margarine. Nope, but I want the recipe. Nope! You don’t want your dough to be too sticky or too dry. And yes, you described perfectly just how I freeze, thaw and serve them! When the chocolate is melted and the buckeyes hardened, it’s time to dip the buckeyes. Weare originally from Ohio but now live in South Carolina. Just sayin’), Thank you Ohio family for turning me on to buckeyes, and to Mrs. Hanes for her recipe. Scoop into Tablespoon-sized balls and … I think this will be the year I finally try to make them. How to make Sugar Free Peanut Butter Buckeye Balls . :-) I hope your family enjoys your buckeyes this holiday season, again! Add powdered sugar a cup at a time and mix until needed consistency to roll into balls (about 8 to 10 cups). It will save you a lot of time, making and freezing them ahead of time. I'm so glad you found the recipe helpful - and delicious! Buckeyes peanut er chocolate with grace buckeyes peanut er chocolate with grace how to make perfect … So it's a definite tradition. Remove the toothpick and repeat. Be sure to thaw them in the fridge for several hours, so that your chocolate doesn’t marbleize. Again and again. Buckeye Recipe Paraffin Wax. Can butter be used in place of margarine? Am I offending any traditional Ohio buckeye rule? I think it makes the buckeyes shiny. Melt chocolate in a double boiler (or microwave). To make the balls look like buckeyes Insert a toothpick into the center of a ball and carefully dip 3/4 of the way into the chocolate, leaving a small round bare spot on the top. Required fields are marked *. I love buckeyes! A good buckeye is to be savored. While the buckeyes are in the refrigerator, melt 1 1/2 cups Ghiradelli semi-sweet chocolate chips with 1/3 bar paraffin in a double broiler. Lift the buckeye carefully … One batch makes around 80 buckeyes. Dip 3/4 of ball into chocolate, leaving top uncovered to resemble a buckeye. I really don't think it matters either way. Use your hands to get the powdered sugar completely mixed in! Paraffin is found in the canning aisle. Buckeyes are such a fun and delicious tradition. I mostly use bittersweet because my husband loves dark chocolate. Margarine vs Butter?? I so love this recipe, and I have to tell you, they are my very favorite holiday treat to make. 1 cup butter, melted If you prefer not to use paraffin, properly tempering the chocolate will give the same effect. Of all the chocolate sweets that I love, Buckeyes are the one that I love the most. Your email address will not be published. Classic Buckeyes recipe for peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate, a popular treat in the midwest, especially Ohio, and must-have on the holiday dessert table. Add the vanilla extract and powdered sugar and mix until combined. Line cookie sheet with wax or parchment paper; set aside. Buckeyes peanut er chocolate with grace buckeyes peanut er chocolate with grace buckeyes mrfood com buckeyes peanut er chocolate with grace :-) Happy buckeye making! This recipe works well when the balls are placed on wax paper. Always the first to be eaten! I did these for 7 years until I finally bought a double boiler insert last year. Don’t skimp on your chocolate! Uncategorized. ... How to make perfect homemade buckeyes buckeye recipe ohio state tradition bread booze bacon buckeyes peanut er chocolate with grace buckeyes peanut er chocolate with grace. I not only finally got them to roll perfect but the chocolate w the parfin was perfect! Thanks for stopping by! I know you and Paul will enjoy them. But never 1 lb. Place toothpick in center of ball and dip in chocolate to cover about two-thirds of the ball, making it look like a buckeye. I say no to that and they turn out just fine. Google+. Coming from the Buckeye state, these were a staple of holiday cheer. Buckeye Recipe With Wax. How many approximately do u get from one batch?? Allow the excess chocolate to drip into the pan. I will say that name brand peanut and chocolate chips make more of a difference than margarine or butter. Wow! I like the double boiler, which for me is a small glass bowl over a pan of simmering water, stirring until melted. Enjoy, Kelly. Step 3. In the top half of a double boiler melt the chocolate chips and shortening, stirring constantly. Start by adding 1 1/2 cups of creamy peanut butter to a large bowl (mixer bowl). Buckeye Recipe Made With Paraffin Wax. My mom has been making these (along with 20+ other kinds of cookies) for the holidays for at least 30 years! For the peanut butter balls, add your peanut butter, butter, vanilla and salt to a medium mixing bowl … My original recipe calls for ¼ pound of paraffin wax to be melted along with the chocolate in the double boiler, your call if you want to do that. I’m from Cincinnati, the paraffin does 2 things that I know of, melted chocolate without tends to crack rather than allow a soft bit and it is more hand-held friendly not melting as quickly on the fingers. In fact, I'm planning to roll another batch tonight, and dip them tomorrow. Use whatever you have in your fridge and enjoy! In bowl of stand mixer fitted with paddle, cream butter and peanut butter. Yum! Chocolate Chip Cookie Jars from The Home Cooks Kitchen 12. 1/3 bar paraffin. A box of Gulf Wax (brand name) sells for around $2.50 a box. Insert toothpick in peanut butter ball. You can’t taste the wax but you will see the difference. :-). Place the peanut butter and butter in a bowl and, using a wooden spoon or spatula, mix until smooth. I would describe a buckeye as a peanut butter cup-like confection, that’s what the taste reminds me of the most. Carefully remove the balls, on the wax paper, to the counter. . Buckeye Candy: Line a baking sheet with parchment or wax paper. Pull up a chair, pour a glass and join me in my kitchen, let's cook together! Happy Holidays! I love it! Here are some helpful tips I got from other websites. Dab the bottom of the buckeye … My double boiler insert is similar to this one, https://www.joyfullythriving.com/the-classic-buckeye/, how we're thriving when our income has been cut in half, my custom, Biblical books (with free printables), how to build a stockpile that works for your family, sign up for blog updates with my email newsletter here, 14 Best No-Bake Cookie Recipes for the Holidays - My Four and MoreMy Four and More, Easy Christmas Desserts Recipe Roundup: +20 Easy Christmas Desserts, Buckeye Fudge Candy Recipe – 3 Boys and a Dog, 38 of the Best Christmas Food Gifts for Your Neighbors, Easy Christmas Desserts Everyone Loves 2019 - More Money Tips, A Biblical Version of Oh, the Places You’ll Go, How to Make Vanilla Yogurt in Your Crock Pot. I don't find 12 ounces of chocolate enough, I went through almost 3 (12-ounce) bags to have enough to dip all the balls. Hope that helps! Recipe makes about 50 buckeyes. creamy peanut butter, not natural (I used an entire 18-ounce jar). Samantha Feltman September 11, 2017. How to make Peanut Butter Buckeyes. … LINE 2 trays with parchment or wax paper. Buckeyes peanut er buckeyes peanut er how to make perfect homemade buckeyes buckeyes recipe food network … And yes, I make and freeze these all the time! Sometimes it gets so bad, I just want them to be over. You're welcome, Stella! The original recipe called for “Chocolate and wax, mixed and melted.” To each their own and they’ll be delicious no matter what of course, just thought I’d give the insight into the wax. Shape into 1 inch balls and place on parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Microwave at 50% power for 1 minute. To the lady who commented below about feeling stressed out about holidays, I hear you. I often do that, because it makes them firmer for dipping. Add vanilla and mix thoroughly. It's always a struggle of mine as well! Scoop the melted peanut butter mixture into the parchment lined pan. These are always the first ones to be eaten at my parties, too! Many recipes call for paraffin or shortening to be melted with the chocolate, including my original recipe. Add confectioner's sugar to the peanut butter 1 cup at a time. That’s our secret for getting our buckeyes so smooth and shiny. It definitely makes it easier to dip, glossier, etc. Share. These freeze beautifully. My mom and aunt are the same way. Our family has a tradition of making these buckeyes. They taste creamy and delicious. It will probably take between 4.5 and 5 cups. Classic buckeyes recipe for peanut butter balls dipped in chocolate, a treat year round and especially on the holiday dessert table. People who are allergic to aspirin MAY be allergic to paraffin, depending on its ingredients. :-) Yes, Amy, you can certainly roll the balls one day and dip the next. However, it can be mixed with your hands. Easy Buckeye Recipe With Paraffin Wax. Buckeyes really are fairly simple. Hi! Published October 03, 2012 Updated December 02, 2020 40 Comments. Oh my gosh, my husband was shoveling them in his mouth and I was like, what are these? I'm Kelly and cooking comfort food from scratch is my jam, especially for this nest of mine. Lily’s Semisweet Chocolate Chips are the lowest in carbs that I’ve found. Thanks for the easy, detailed recipe! My first time making these and it was so easy. Next, stir in the powdered sugar. Yes, they taste as good as they look. Stir until smooth. I have to hide some in the freezer for the same reason. No Bake […], […] 60. I’m going to tell you all our secrets for how to make homemade buckeyes. Filed Under: All Recipes, Chocolate & Desserts, Your email address will not be published. Neatly written in cursive, I have treasured this recipe for years. I'm so glad to hear that you've found a winner with this one. thanks so much for sharing your secret family recipe! Buckeye Recipe With Wax. When I first made these years ago, I used the paraffin. It is a little time consuming – due to the individual dipping of each ball – but it is worth it. 4.5 – 5 cups powdered sugar There are so many things on our to-do lists, that it's easy to be overwhelmed. How can I not? Buckeyes are my calm time, I think, in part, because of the story Kristen shared with us. That said, mine don't quite live up to Mrs. Hanes recipe ? Oh my! ... Easy buckeye recipe sugar spun run buckeye recipe ohio state tradition bread booze bacon buckeyes recipe food network kitchen how to make perfect homemade buckeyes. My grandmother used a similar recipe and used to make hundreds of them! Chill until firm. I normally get around 80 a batch with quarter sized buckeyes. While the buckeyes are in the refrigerator, melt 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips with 1/3 bar paraffin in a double broiler. Are you ready? If you use unsalted butter, add ½ teaspoon salt to the peanut butter mixture. Buckeye Recipe With Wax. You can...but I just melt the margarine in the microwave and stir the peanut butter in straight from the jar. A Buckeye Recipe Without Shortening Or Paraffin Wax. Buckeyes peanut er buckeyes peanut er how to make perfect homemade buckeyes buckeyes recipe food network kitchen. Use a … Thank you and Merry Christmas ! I'm glad I could bring back memories of your grandmother! A couple notes about the chocolate. This chocolately love is due to several reasons. I use butter now myself. Be sure to check out this recipe for buckeye cake. . Oh, Amanda! Only dip about three-quarters of the ball, leaving a small circle at the top resembling chestnuts, or buckeyes, hence the name. Bryont Rugs and Livings June 24, 2018. Roll to allow chocolate to drip off and place the balls on the wax paper on the cookie sheet. For me, buckeyes are a special tradition and a part of every Christmas celebration. It’s a 2-3 bite treat which is why that matters. Quick question - have you ever had success in freezing the finished buckeyes? If you can’t find it in your grocery store, you can order a box of Gulf Wax from Amazon here. I think it makes the buckeyes shiny. Store buckeyes in refrigerator. You can read more in my disclosure policy. Allow excess chocolate to drip from the buckeye. On the buffet at the holidays when we were visiting one year were a tray of chocolate covered peanut butter balls. But I eventually settled on a brand of dark chocolate chips that work really well for me, and now I skip the paraffin. The snugger the fit, the better. This simple recipe for homemade buckeyes is the perfect combination of chocolate and peanut butter. This has been my recipe since 1976 & it never fails. Buy two bags, at least. They are SO delicious! I made these last year for the OSU championship game & they were a hit! And Peter Pan peanut butter. Bring the water to … Buckeyes taste incredible. Prepare a baking sheet, with wax paper and set this aside. That is what I mean with 1/3 bar of paraffin. Growing up, my family would easily make 600 or 700 every Christmas. Chill for one hour. Lift the buckeye carefully out of the chocolate. We’d gather around the table together, rolling buckeye balls, talking, laughing and sneaking dough as we did so. Lift the buckeye carefully out of the chocolate. Refrigerate until well chilled, at least one hour. Each box has 4 bars and since only a 1/3 of the bar is used for each batch, one box will last you for several years. Enjoy! Enjoy, Brandi! 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet Ghiradelli chocolate chips :-). It’s a favorite crowd pleaser (this makes a ton!) Roll the dough into balls. I had my first buckeye years ago in Ohio, when I married into family from Dayton. You can melt in the microwave or in a double boiler. Buckeye Recipe With Wax. :-), How do you know what a 1/3 of parafin is? You need 16 ounces for this recipe, which will take 1 1/3 bags of Swerve. And mention me on Instagram, Instant Pot Blackberry Jalapeño BBQ Meatballs. Copyright © 2020 The Hungry Bluebird | Trellis Framework by Mediavine. Oh, Cathy, I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed making my buckeye recipe! and the recipe! They stay glossy and pretty. When the water boils, your chocolate will melt effortlessly inside the metal bowl. Facebook; Prev Article Next Article . You had me at 31 days of chocolate :) This recipe sounds so good. Put a wooden toothpick in the middle of a buckeye. Hope this helps! Gentle lower into the chocolate and rotate so the buckeye is covered with a small hole remaining around the toothpick. Elke Mathies 4 years ago No Comments. The Barz family is known for their perfect buckeyes. Love the small, manageable batch size--definitely gonna have to make a few more!! Yes, the paraffin is important so don’t skip it. Remove the toothpick and repeat. Shape into 1-inch balls. 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Toothpick in center of ball into chocolate, including my original recipe buckeyes this holiday season, again the... Glad you found the recipe helpful - and delicious cups semi-sweet chocolate chips and shortening, constantly! And they turn out just fine power 45 seconds in pretty quickly in part, I glad!

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