what dragon ball series are canon

Dragon Ball (1995–2003) 3. Dragon Ball started out as a Manga made by Akira Toriyama. The truth is, if we consider the official sources, there is no canon in its real sense, and you have to consider every movie or episode that goes against another movie or episode as events happening in different timelines. Dragon Ball was an anime series that ran from 1986 to 1989. 1. Social media citations without screenshots, https://dragonballuniverse.fandom.com/wiki/Canon?oldid=115751. The story follows a young boy named Goku as he quests to find the Dragon Balls, seven spheres that when brought … … It was later reaffirmed in December 2018 in Weekly Shōnen Jump. The Old Canon of this Dragon Ball series are the events that actually happened with the figures and stories based upon them, and have not been subject to the revisions. We’ll then look at the movies to discard those that go against what happened in the Dragon Ball Z Anime or Manga series. He never said it was a what if. Dragon Ball Z: Doragon bôru zetto (1989–1996) 4. Although those terms are often flexible (especially with Akira Toriyama at the helm), "canon" generally describes material released in manga form or written with the original creator's express blessing and … Will Dragon Ball Super Make Heroes' Grand Priest Goku Canon? The term canon refers to everything that is created by either the original creator, or current head of the series, unless otherwise noted. [5][6] Other anime series, like the Dragon Ball Heroes anime are purely promotional material for its corresponding video game franchise and are not meant to be interpreted as official continuations of Toriyama's manga. It's not canon. For the most part, the Dragon Ball anime series is of a canon nature. As both Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Super proceed the story of Dragon Ball GT by many years, there are no direct contradictions with the story of GT. [4] Most recently, Toriyama added Broly and Gogeta into the Dragon Ball canon with Dragon Ball Super: Broly.[1]. The canon status of Dragon Ball GT has been an issue of contentious debate among the Dragon Ball fan community. Stay Away: Lord Slug. BIG THANKS to Plus UltraMan and SmugStick! On Dragon Ball - General, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "So is Battle of Gods not canon anymore? It is up to the fans to decide. This is the universal definition of what canon means. Anime series like Dragon Ball GT have been treated as sequels to the Dragon Ball franchise, but are not, in fact, official sequels to Akira Toriyama's manga. Dragon Ball … We can easily claim that some media are closer to “canon” than others. The biggest differences in the new canon are: … Anime is between Manga, the most credible source, and movies – the less credible. However, as of the Tokyo Skytree + Viz North America Tour's History of Dragon Ball exhibit, it is confirmed that only the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Super manga, with the addition of Revival of "F", Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, and Dragon Ball Minus, are considered canon to Toriyama's franchise. Plenty of people considered Bardock Father of Goku canon before Dragon Ball Minus gave us Toriyama's own version of Bardock's history. Dragon ball was the popular anime series, which ran from 1986-1989. I mean that the Story of Dragon Ball can end by Dragon Ball Z, or by Dragon Ball GT. Akira Toriyama had the following to say about the anime-only adaptation: —Akira Toriyama, Dragon Ball GT DVD Box: Dragon Box GT “Dragon Book” (15 June 2005), Furthermore, GT is the Dragon Ball media with the least amount of involvement from Toriyama. **Dragon Ball Super Episode 2 spoilers**". Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). This can make it difficult to discern the canonicity of certain content. I take the movies as “stories in a different dimension from the main story of the comic”. Finally, Toriyama has been changing his approach and as he grows older he has been releasing more justifications for unexplained events in the series and giving out more lore context and whatnot. I’m entirely just an audience member for them. Dragon Ball Kai (2009 - 2011) Coinciding with Dragon Ball Z’s 20th anniversary, … This is the first part of a three part "What If Relay" on how keeping the Toei-isms in Dragon Ball would change the series. Having said that, this is a complicated question to answer simply because it depends on a series of factors and variables you need to consider, but we’ll try to explain it in the best way possible so read the article if you want to know the answer. It wouldn’t surprise us that he makes a “what’s canon and what’s not” disclosure in the near future. This can make it difficult to discern the canonicity of certain content. Dragon Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Considering these two official sources never said what’s canon or not, unlike the authors from other popular sagas, we have the work cut out for us. There are 153episodes of dragon ball aired. The Dragon Ball franchise consists of a vast variety of media including various anime, films, video games, and even other manga series. Akira Toriyama had little to … Son Goku and His Friends Return are in a grey area. Dragon Ball series (chronological order). Is there a lamer villain in the non-canon than Lord Slug? Thus, all officially released Dragon Ball media falls within the definition of the term canon. A continuation of Dragon Ball Super (2015 TV Series), it reboots the origin story of Broly, making the old movies non-canon. Dragon Ball s fandom has grown each decade and the series as a whole has also been able to evolve in many ways. Given how other, more contemporary fan manga series like Dragon Ball New Age and Dragon Ball Multiverse continue to thrive, the dose of non-canon daydreaming may be a positive force. Dragon Ball canon (正史, seishi; Literally meaning "official history")[1] was first officially defined during the Tokyo Skytree + Viz North America Tour in an exhibit called the History of Dragon Ball. Therefore, they are supplemental to the anime, but are not considered to be canonical.[9]. During the History of Dragon Ball exhibit at the Tokyo Skytree + Viz North America Tour, official names were given for each of the canon story arcs in both the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Super manga. When compared to other anime series, dragon ball has a lesser filler percentage of 15%. As is common in the realm of anime, Dragon Ball 's output can be split into canon and non-canon material. Among them, 23 dragon ball episodes reported as the filler episodes. [3] He also considers the Jaco the Galactic Patrolman manga and its extra chapter, Dragon Ball Minus, to be connected to his series. They can, without hesitation, be put into the Dragon Ball universe with no confliction. But what if we’re considering what is most probable to be canon, or what the majority of fans consider to be canon? There’s no canon or non-canon debate to it - it’s just a quick animated mini series based on fun game with no limits on the dragon ball universe. For example, manga has more weight than cinema movies. There are some important exceptions, however.First, Dragon Ball GT is considered non-canon. Quora User's answer to Will the Dragon Ball fans finally admit that the DBS manga is the true canon for DBS, seeing as how the Dragon Ball Super manga has surpassed the Dragon Ball Super anime in #42? In total 153 episodes of Dragon Ball were aired. With the exceptions of God and God and Revival of "F," which Akira Toriyama declared to be official continuations of his manga,[3] movies are considered to be different stories set in other dimensions. The Bardock movies and Yo! Canon . Dragon Ball GT can either be considered canon or non canon, it is up to you. However, as of the Tokyo Skytree + Viz North America Tour's History of Dragon Ball exhibit, it is confirmed that only the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Super manga, with the addition of Revival of "F", Jaco the Galactic … An example of this is the Dragon Ball Volume "F" which was written by Toriyama himself and is supplemental material to Dragon Ball Z: Revival of "F", itself one of the few canonical films in the franchise. As for the special episodes, “Bardock - the Father of Goku” isn’t … We can easily claim that some media are closer to “canon” than others. But now since Dragon Ball Super re adapted the movies, they aren’t canon either; they are alternate versions of the the actual canon. However, they also depict original content that falls outside the preview of canon (i.e., the Garlic Junior Arc). Over the years, Toriyama has made numerous claims about the canon status of various medias set within his franchise. That was Dragon Ball GT.... Dragon Ball GT is a grand side-story of the original Dragon Ball, and it’ll make me happy for us to watch and enjoy it together. Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are the main two series. Considering this, we have to take the Manga as canon and mix it in with the Anime episodes. That’s why Dragon Ball Z canon is your own, and your choice, making it both a good thing and a bad thing. It is clear from these comments—and from others, in which he derides both the Japanese and English anime adaptations for their portrayal of Son Gokū—that he defines the canon of Dragon Ball as being in relation to his original manga. Akira Toriyama is the original creator and author of the Dragon Ball manga. By canon, fans mean that the particular series or movie primarily followed the original manga series and was made with input from the creator – Akira Toriyama. And I have heard there are some fans making canon manga sequels to … Dragon Ball Z (1996–2003) 5. The Peace Reward - Who Will Get the 100 Million Zeni? If you are asking are Dragon Ball Z movies Canon?”, then you are one of many who want to know just what parts of the story are real and what parts of the story are filler or tangent. Secondly, it is used as a descriptor of specific incidents, relationships, or story arcs that take place within the overall canon. As of the start of this tour on November 1, 2018, the official canon of Dragon Ball includes Akira Toriyama's original Dragon Ball manga (which composes both Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z in the West) and the Dragon Ball Super manga, which has its story written by Toriyama and artwork drawn by Toyotarō. Being written by Toriyama has nothing to do with being canon. While games frequently adapt canon content, they are not in anyway meant to be considered canonical. The TV anime people wanted to continue for just a little bit more, but I [just couldn’t do] any more than that… And so, I left the Dragon Ball anime completely up to the anime staff, story and all. The original Dragon Ball anime series aired from 1986 to 1989 with a total of 153 episodes. You should watch it to enjoy more DB and don’t let these overwhelming hypercritical “fans” who are always compelled to analyze it like it’s a doctoral paper deter you from it. The Dragon Ball anime, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z Kai, and Dragon Ball Super anime all adapt content from their respective manga series. [2], Additionally, despite not being adapted by the Dragon Ball Super manga as Dragon Ball Z: God and God was, Toriyama has confirmed that the events of Dragon Ball Z: Revival of "F" are a canonical continuation of his manga, as well. For example, manga has more weight than cinema movies. Dragon Ball canon is officially defined with the inclusion of Super in 2018. Or maybe the old movies make this movie non-canon. With 23 anime-only episodes during the series run, Dragon Ball is 15% filler. 2. comicbook.com - Kofi Outlaw. First of all, we need to look at the official sources like the author – Akira Toriyama – and Toei Animation, the studio responsible for the Anime. We’ll then look at the movies to discard those that go against what happened in the Dragon Ball … [As with the last movie], I thought up the new story for the next Dragon Ball theatrical film as though it were a continuation of the manga when it was in serialization. Dragon Ball’s anime, movies, and video games often play with their own canon, but there’s also been the addition of Dragon Ball Heroes. [8], As a result of these facts in conjunction with its exclusion from the Tokyo Skytree + Viz North America Tour's History of Dragon Ball exhibit, Dragon Ball GT is not considered canon to the Dragon Ball manga. Well, that’s what we are going to analyze now. However movies 14 and 15 were considered canon. Dragon Ball Heroes is a recent anime that's kept fans entertained, but … Each of the following stories have no inconsistencies when placed into the regular canon Dragon Ball timeline. Considering this, we have to take the Manga as canon and mix it in with the Anime episodes. The DBS Manga came out before the Anime. Being a lazy bum by nature, I was absurdly happy when I managed to safely finish up Dragon Ball’s serialization, and finally be released from Deadline Hell. As such, much of it is crude, poorly thought out, and juvenile compared to the modern canon of the series. There’s no rule that makes the Anime credible and the movies less credible, so if you like how the story goes in the movies instead, you can easily claim that they were the canon story, and nobody in this world can rebuke you. The Dragon Ball Super series has continued forward in the manga series, but the only new Dragon Ball … The term canon, with respect to works of fiction, refers to the overall set of story lines, premises, settings, and characters offered by the source media text. Well, having said what we did earlier, you now have to consider movies, anime, and manga to really answer this question. 2015 … Mixed Canon/Filler. As a result, the adapt and depict canon content. Some people still consider Episode of Bardock canon as well, even though it is a follow up to … [7] As a result, Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z animated films are not considered canonical. Super Baby 2, a transformed version of the Baby-infested Vegeta from the Dragon Ball GT television series, has made various appearances in video games throughout the years, including two years ago as a DLC addition to Dragon Ball XENOVERSE 2.The character will make his way to FighterZ next month on 15 January … [2], Reference books, like the Daizenshū series, often expand upon content that is not touched upon or fully explained in the anime, films, or the manga. This includes Dragon Ball Online, which, unlike most video games, was heavily worked upon by Akira Toriyama, but was never officially released outside of Korea. In Asia, and especially Japan however, concern over canon and non canon is not so much of an issue over there with their media … On the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z movies, Toriyama stated: On Dragon Ball Z: God and God and Dragon Ball Z: Revival of "F", Toriyama stated that: However, in November 2018, Toei Animation and Shueisha Publishing Co., Ltd. confirmed during the Tokyo Skytree + Viz North America Tour that the Dragon Ball Super manga, for which Toriyama was responsible for only the story and character designs, was canon to Toriyama's manga.[2]. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Dragon Ball franchise consists of a vast variety of media including various anime, films, video games, and even other manga series. However, there are exceptions. @shintoki: Toriyama said super is the official continuation of his story. However, like the aforementioned Daizenshū series of databooks, most Dragon Ball reference books are anime reference books and have little to no involvement from Akira Toriyama himself. It’s not that simple because as I stated in the beginning, there is no canon, and that means some things happened in the main storyline and others happened in alternate universes. Canon's about continuity and as of right now, there's nothing that puts the backstory he wrote for a Korean MMO in the continuity of his Dragon Ball. Anime is between Manga, the most credible source, and movies – the less credible. Toriyama himself only came up with the title for the series, designed the main cast and their vehicles, and he drew a few pictures for the series. What is the dragon ball filler list : dragon ball episodes. Quick Filler & Canon Lists You'll have to decide for yourself. With a total of 21 reported filler episodes, Dragon Ball has a low filler percentage of 14%. Much of Dragon Ball can be separated into canon or not canon. Despite the literal meaning, certain fans mai… The fist 13 movies pertaining to Dragon Ball Z were never canon. Dragon Ball (1986–1989) TV-Y7 | 24 min | Animation, Action, Adventure. Creator and author of the series run, Dragon Ball Z animated films are not considered to be considered.. Episodes reported as the filler episodes games frequently adapt canon content as “ stories in a dimension! Differences in the non-canon than Lord Slug Weekly Shōnen Jump stories in a grey area original and. Aired from 1986 to 1989 1986–1989 ) TV-Y7 | 24 min | Animation Action... 21 reported filler episodes, Dragon Ball Z are the main story of Dragon Z! The canonicity of certain content the popular anime series that ran from 1986 to 1989 with a total of reported. Toriyama 's own version of Bardock 's history into canon or not canon grown each decade and the as. 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