is it scrutinise or scrutinize

MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively. Scrutinize (verb) To examine something with great care. To scrutinize is to look at something very closely or very carefully. Scrutinize. scrutinize; scrutinise; size up; take stock – to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail 1. scrutinize verb, American. Scrutinize the menu Synonyms for scrutinize in English including definitions, and related words. There are related clues (shown below). What does scrutinize mean? — Der Manager hinterfragte die Beweggründe seines Angestellten. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: scrutinize [sb/sth], also UK: scrutinise [sb/sth] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." check. LEB. scrutinizingly. 4 When you scrutinise the text you see everything was there – except, somehow, the passion which, when the president is at his best, flows from the strength of his moral intelligence. It was not necessary to scrutinise those wan, silent features. Another word for scrutinize. WORD ORIGINS ; LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ; WORD LISTS; SPANISH DICTIONARY ; More. 4 When you scrutinise the text you see everything was there – except, somehow, the passion which, when the president is at his best, flows from the strength of his moral intelligence. to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail; "he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror", of accounts and tax returns; with the intent to verify. ing. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. 3. GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . Definition of scrutinize verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Unabridged a British spelling of scrutinize Synonyms and related words View the pronunciation for scrutinise. Scrutinize (verb) To make scrutiny. scrutinize, scrutinise - der Prüfer: Last post 20 Apr 09, 19:59: transitive verb : to examine closely and minutely intransitive verb : to make a scruti… 2 Replies: unter die Lupe nehmen - to scrutinize: Last post 22 Oct 20, 18:16: Hi!Is the pair ok?I started from "to scrutinize".Thank you in advance. How do you use scrutinize in a sentence? 5 The school authorities took no pains to scrutinise these letters, they knew it would be all the same whether we attended or not, so far as educational results were concerned. take stock verb. Clue: Scrutinize. Scrutinize vs. Scrutinise. Tools [It is] a snare to humankind to say rashly "[It is] holy," and after vows, to scrutinize. scrutinise; scrutinize; size up; take stock. … You scrutinize my life and my rest; you are familiar with all of my ways. She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces. scrutinize stresses close attention to minute detail. Antonyms for scrutinise. verb. Synonyms for scrutinise in English including definitions, and related words. Thesaurus Trending Words. Sentence example: The customs agents scrutinize the bags for drugs . Before you purchase an expensive item, make sure you scrutinize it for any defects. to examine in detail with careful or critical attention. Synonyms of 'scrutinize' scrutinize. Discover . Explore Thesaurus View the pronunciation for scrutinise. Hypernyms (to "scrutinize" is one way to...): examine; see (observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect) Sentence frames: Somebody ----s something Somebody ----s somebody. Just before you pull me up on spelt as opposed to spelled, that is also the English spelling. 2. or British scrutinise / ˈ skruːtəˌnaɪz/ scrutinizes; scrutinized; scrutinizing. 2. GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . “Pagan” vs. “Wicca”: What Is The Difference? He now raised his eyes, and appeared to scrutinise the trees that grew around the glade. 158.0%. study. Please add to your ad blocking whitelist or disable your adblocking software. Scrutinize is a crossword puzzle clue. GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . ; With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. As verbs the difference between scrutinize and scrutinise is that scrutinize is to examine something with great care while scrutinise is to examine something with great care. of something … size up verb. . Each hotel is inspected once a year. We do not implement these annoying types of ads! Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? It did not scrutinise its character, but rose from it to an absolute cause, by a direct mental leap or inference. Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man. scrutinise vs scrutinize which is the most common spelling used? To audit accounts etc in order to verify them. snowflake. Answer Save. She examined the hair sample under a microscope. Antonyms for scrutinize include forget, glance, ignore, misunderstand, neglect, glance at, overlook, disregard, look away and reply. Hypernyms (to "scrutinise" is one way to...): examine; see (observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect) Sentence frames: Somebody ----s something Somebody ----s somebody. Antonyms for scrutinise. 5 The school authorities took no pains to scrutinise these letters, they knew it would be all the same whether we attended or not, so far as educational results were concerned. to examine in detail with careful or critical attention. scrutinize - to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail; "he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror" scrutinise, size up, take stock. So as to scrutinize; with close visual attention. Scrutinize is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times. Why Is “Christmas” Abbreviated As “Xmas”? (examine closely) escudriñar⇒ vtr verbo transitivo: Verbo que requiere de un objeto directo ("[b]di[/b] la verdad", "[b]encontré[/b] una moneda"). I couldn’t agree more. All Free. scrutinize; scrutinise. scrutinize. To scrutinize is to look at something very closely or very carefully. I invite every citizen to carefully study the document. Scrutinize is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted over 20 times. ing. scrutinize [sb/sth], also UK: scrutinise [sb/sth] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." The purpose of the audit is to scrutinize all of the financial transactions made under the company umbrella to ensure fraud has not occurred. There are related clues (shown below). . What are synonyms for scrutinise? She scrutinized his face. To examine closely; to inspect or observe with critical attention; to regard narrowly; as, to scrutinize the measures of administration; to scrutinize the conduct or motives of individuals. Antonyms for scrutinize include forget, glance, ignore, misunderstand, neglect, glance at, overlook, disregard, look away and reply. audit, check (out), con, examine, inspect, overlook, We need money to operate the site, and almost all of it comes from our online advertising. The woman had at last had time to scrutinize the looks of the young man. Forum discussions containing the search term; scrutinize, scrutinise - der Prüfer: Last post 20 Apr 09, 19:59: transitive verb : to examine closely and minutely intransitive verb : to make a scruti… Explore 'scrutinize' in the dictionary or scrutinise (verb) in the sense of examine. British Quarterly Review, American Edition, Volume LIV. How do you use scrutinize in a sentence? We've detected that you are using AdBlock Plus or some other adblocking software which is preventing the page from fully loading. Lv 7. Context example: he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror. But it was his turn now to screw down and scrutinise the pink ten-shilling note. Synonyms for scrutinize. scrutinize somebody/something to look at or examine somebody/something carefully. It is possible to glance cursorily at both figures and mirror, and it is also possible to scrutinize them narrowly. The dark eyes continued to scrutinise that bronzed face suspiciously. Scrutinize is a crossword puzzle clue. Relevance. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. Favorite Answer-z-, even in British English, as far as I know. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. to examine in detail with careful or critical attention. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Jacinta. Past participle: scrutinised Gerund: scrutinising Imperative scrutinise scrutinise Present I scrutinise you scrutinise he/she/it scrutinises we scrutinise... Scrutinise - definition of scrutinise by The Free Dictionary Scrutinize the menu [to inspect a building for fire hazards]; examine suggests close observation or investigation to determine the condition, quality, validity, etc. vt. examine in great detail ; scrutinize; investigate carefully ; scan through. Verb (scrutinis) To examine something with great care. 34 sentence examples: 1. Find more ways to say scrutinize, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. for detecting errors, flaws, etc. inspect. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Synonyms and related words +-To study, check or examine something. Akk hinterfragen v. The manager scrutinized his employee's motivations. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Learn more. Learner's definition of SCRUTINIZE [+ object]: to examine (something) carefully especially in a critical way. | ... Synonyms: scrutinise, examine, check, review, inspect, more... Forum discussions with the word(s) "scrutinize" in the title: Censor vs. scrutinize scrutinize scrutinize a room scrutinize check scrutinize(d) much and miss(ed) very little study/scrutinize. What are synonyms for scrutinize? scrutinize - examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification; "audit accounts and tax returns" audit , scrutinise , inspect analyse , analyze , examine , study , canvass , canvas - consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning; "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives" GRAMMAR A-Z ; SPELLING ; PUNCTUATION ; WRITING TIPS ; USAGE ; EXPLORE . surprise. 4. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively. ‘Analysts in Europe scrutinize the NZ example as they draft proposed reforms to the EU's Common Agricultural Policy.’ ‘In a similar way, Botha's use of materials coupled with a technical and formal capability allow him to probe and scrutinize issues inaccessible to those with less ability.’ scrutinize . What are synonyms for scrutinise? We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. scrutinize To audit accounts etc in order to verify them scrutinize To make scrutiny scrutinize of accounts and tax returns; with the intent to verify scrutinize {f} examine, investigate, check closely, inspect (also scrutinise) scrutinize to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail; "he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror" for-4.2%. The English spelling uses the ise. She scrutinized his features. scrutinized the hospital bill scan implies a surveying from point to point often suggesting a cursory overall observation. very-6.5%. What does scrutinize mean? Scrutinize definition, to examine in detail with careful or critical attention. scrutinize = scrutinise (british) fred19641927: examiner minutieusement. Verb (scrutinis) To examine something with great care. She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces. GRAMMAR . 1 decade ago Scrutinize is the way it is spelt in American English. Synonyms. Carelessness Promises, Human Trap Vows Vows. verb (used without object), … consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning. scrutinize definition: 1. to examine something very carefully in order to discover information: 2. to examine something…. Here's the word you're looking for. token. Master these essential literary terms and you’ll be talking like your English teacher in no time. 6 synonyms for scrutinise: scrutinize, size up, take stock, audit, scrutinize, inspect. scrutinize American. See more. So it makes perfect sense that this verb is rooted in the Latin word scrutari, which means “to search.” Start learning this word (examine closely) escudriñar⇒ vtr verbo transitivo: Verbo que requiere de un objeto directo ("[b]di[/b] la verdad", "[b]encontré[/b] una moneda"). examine or inspect closely and thoroughly, "customers were warned to scrutinize the small print". Proverbs 20:25 Prov 20:25. WORD ORIGINS ; LANGUAGE QUESTIONS ; WORD LISTS; SPANISH DICTIONARY; More. What Are Other Ways To Wish Someone A Merry Christmas? Views: 1,437. — Ich studierte und untersuchte jedes Detail des Gemäldes. SYNONYMY NOTE: scrutinize implies a looking over carefully and searchingly in order to observe the minutest details [he slowly scrutinized the bank note]; inspect implies close, critical observation, esp. The Most Surprisingly Serendipitous Words Of The Day, The Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. As a possible business investor, you should scrutinize the financial records before signing any agreement. Before you purchase an expensive item, make sure you scrutinize it for any defects. Describe 2020 In Just One Word? scrutinise translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'scrutinize',scrutineer',scrutiny',scrumptious', examples, definition, conjugation examine. 8.3%. ) verb (scrutinized, scrutinized) (BE frequently used: scrutinise) — überprüfen v. etw. To scrutinize something, you have to look at it really critically, investigating every nook and cranny. Definition of scrutinize written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. It’s easy and only takes a few seconds. scrutinize From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English scrutinize scru‧ti‧nize ( also scrutinise British English ) / ˈskruːtənaɪz / verb [ transitive ] EXAMINE to examine someone or something very carefully He scrutinized the document. SCRUTINIZE 'SCRUTINIZE' is a 10 letter word starting with S and ending with E Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SCRUTINIZE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word scrutinize will help you to finish your crossword today. Verse Concepts. Dictionary entry overview: What does scrutinise mean? * 2005 , (Plato), Sophist .Translation by Lesley Brown. gift. "to scrutinize the conduct or motives of individuals". He examined her passport and stamped it. verb (used without object), … The statement was carefully scrutinized before publication. Often things are scrutinized to verify if they're correct or authentic. Then before the girls could reply, the grey eyes that could be so sharply penetrating turned to scrutinize Dories. 3. GRAMMAR . put off-12.6%. Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man. scrutinize, scan, inspect, examine mean to look at or over. scrutinise: 1 v examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification Synonyms: audit , inspect , scrutinize Type of: analyse , analyze , canvas , canvass , examine , study consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning v to … inspected my credentials examine suggests a scrutiny in order to determine the nature, condition, or quality of a … 1 decade ago. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English scrutinize scru‧ti‧nize (also scrutinise British English) / ˈskruːtənaɪz / verb [transitive] EXAMINE to examine someone or something very carefully He scrutinized the document. "She found the cat." Clue: Scrutinize. he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror 1; scrutinise verb, British. We don't have any banner, Flash, animation, obnoxious sound, or popup ad. ENGLISH DICTIONARY; SYNONYMS; TRANSLATE; GRAMMAR . "She found the cat." present. scrutinize - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. The purpose of the audit is to scrutinize all of the financial transactions made under the company umbrella to ensure fraud has not occurred. Scrutinize is an alternative form of scrutinise. Synonyms: audit, inspect, scrutinize. * 2005 , (Plato), Sophist .Translation by Lesley Brown. 1. to look at critically or searchingly, or in minute detail 2. examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification Familiarity information: SCRUTINISE used as a verb is rare. scrutinise; scrutinize; size up; take stock. Scrutinise is an alternative form of scrutinize. ENGLISH DICTIONARY; SYNONYMS; TRANSLATE; GRAMMAR . Since James is a great editor, you can expect him to scrutinize … I closely scrutinized my opponent's every move. Scrutinise (verb) To examine something with great care. Synonyms for scrutinise in Free Thesaurus. study. All Free. v examine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verification. Learn more. Context example: he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror. or British scrutinise / ˈ skruːtəˌnaɪz/ scrutinizes; scrutinized; scrutinizing. Published: 3 Apr, 2019. Type of: analyse, analyze, canvas, canvass, examine, study. ly adv.... Scrutinize - definition of scrutinize by The Free Dictionary. Paths Of Believers Lying Down To Rest. scrutinize meaning: 1. to examine something very carefully in order to discover information: 2. to examine something…. • SCRUTINISE (verb) The verb SCRUTINISE has 2 senses:. 4. To examine closely; to inspect or observe with critical attention; to regard narrowly; as, to scrutinize the measures of administration; to scrutinize the conduct or motives of individuals. Synonyms for scrutinise in English including definitions, and related words. What’s The Difference Between “Yule” And “Christmas”? research. 6 synonyms for scrutinise: scrutinize, size up, take stock, audit, scrutinize, inspect. scrutinise Definitions ... a British spelling of scrutinize. Scrutinise (verb) To audit accounts etc in order to verify them. Verb (examin) To observe or inspect carefully or critically. Wiktionary. Can you identify the antonym of “protagonist,” or the opposite of a hero or heroine? scrutinize - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. scanned the wine list inspect implies scrutinizing for errors or defects. ‘With a 30-second spot during tonight's Academy Awards ceremony valued at up to $2.1 million, advertisers will closely scrutinise the television coverage generated by the event.’ ‘This 25-minute piece closely examines, almost scrutinizes, a key scene from the film - the scene I mentioned earlier where Jake outlines the plan to his gang.’ A protagonist is the main character of a story, or the lead. Synonyms for scrutinise in Free Thesaurus. … Or Sign up/login to Reverso account 'scrutinize' found in translations in French-English dictionary: passer à la loupe . to examine carefully or in minute detail. 5 Answers. Man's Ways God's Omnipresence. Synonyms: carefully, meticulously, thoroughly, attentively, methodically, painstakingly, unremittingly, … untersuchen v. I studied and scrutinized every detail of the painting. 34 sentence examples: 1. He examined the crime scene for clues. She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces. "to scrutinize the conduct or motives of individuals" Scrutinize (verb) To audit accounts etc in order to verify them. ISV, NASB. We Asked, You Answered. to look over closely (as for judging quality or condition) the project's time constraints make it impossible for the programmers to scrutinize every line of code, so some bugs should be expected. Synonyms of the month. Verse Concepts . What are synonyms for scrutinize? Definition. Detail of the financial records before signing any agreement Plus or some other adblocking software is! Related words: he scrutinized his likeness in the dictionary or scrutinise ( verb ) to audit etc... Are other Ways to Wish Someone a Merry Christmas, ( Plato ) …! 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