Beneficial in business dealings and matters of finance. Burn to attract riches, drive away hostile forces, and stop any gossip about you. Carried to avoid seasickness or for physical strength & endurance. Served as a love food. Protection against accidents and cold/flu. Used for spells and castings for money and achievement. Happiness, lust, love, and exorcism. Wear around the neck for health and protection against the evil eye. While eating them, slowly visualize yourself working and enjoying your job. Tie a knotted yellow thread around slippery elm and throw it into a fire to cease all gossip about you. Surprisingly the treatment for this burning sensation can be found via the plant itself; the juice from the nettle's leaves can be applied to the affected area. Use in bath spells for psychic cleansing. Keep potted plant to protect home from lightning. Use in bath spells. The Chinese skullcap is the much hardier variety and well grow well in both warm or cool climates and handles drought very well. Let's take a look at some of the medicinal properties of this herb that I mentioned earlier. Carve a wish into a whole root and throw it into water to make the wish come true. Hang plantain leaves in the car for protection from evil and jealousy. Rub fresh leaves on money before it is spent to ensure its return. Herbalists are those who have studied the uses of herbs and are able to recommend certain herbs to help ailments. Bring that to a boil and let it simmer for around 20 minutes with a lid on. Wear or carry to attract true friendship. Concentration, strengthening memory, focus, and will power. Placed beneath pillow to promote sleep. Sprinkle across the doorway of a home to allow only good spirits to enter. Reverses hexes. Sprinkle over the area where you and your mate argue the most to alleviate discord and strife. The main chemical responsible for the vast medicinal benefits is capsaicin, this is the same chemical that gives you that burning sensation when you bite into a jalapeno. Keep on the altar or burn on candles to attract good spirits. One of the best and well known ways to get the benefits of turmeric is to just simply eat it. Use in love spells to promote fidelity. Note: Poisonous, use with caution. Strewn on floors to provide protection from evil. Put in a sachet to protect against hostile magick. Magickal uses include bringing good luck, protecting owner from all harm, travel safety, and gaining employment. Burn as an incense to increase the potency of a spell. Placed in sachets for love & protection and used in sleep pillows. Use to strengthen and bind spells. Burn to overcome evil spirits. If you're looking for some easy to grow herbs be sure to check out our article covering 5 Useful and Easy to Grow Herbs. If you're allergic to any plants in the Asteracae family you should steer away from using calendula. Energy, protection, power, wisdom, and wishes. Mix papaya leaves with mandrake and burn or use in the bath to reverse hexes and jinxes. Keep a packet of the herb with lottery tickets for luck. How to Make Herbal Oils and Ointments. The real magic of the Aloe Vera plant comes from the gel inside the leaves, to extract this all you need to do is take a knife and take off the thick skin on the outside of the leaf. Common culinary herbs also convey gentle medicine, traditionally used for purposes that range from stomach upset and headaches to colic and liver ailments. While valerian is thought to be generally pretty safe there are some possible side effects that you need to be aware of. Let's have a look at the main medicinal uses now that this herb is best know for. Prevents lover from straying when used in love spells & potions. Note: Poisonous, use with caution and do not consume. A good addition to dream pillows. Drives off hostile spirits. Witch hazel is an interesting herb that I've only recently found out about, it has been used for centuries by the Native Americans though. RFI Media Ltd | Please do not copy our content without permission | Website by Hallnet | Please do not copy our content without permission | Website by Hallnet Burn as incense to remove evil spells and break curses. Carry when dealing with negative vibrations of any kind. Pregnant women carry a packet of the leaves to ease the pain of pregnancy and childbirth. Purification, prosperity, soothing tension, dispelling anger, diminishing irritability, relieving stress & anxiety, and overcoming depression. The brain isn't the only place Ginkgo will increase circulation in fact the whole body from the toes to your head have increased circulation when taking the herb. Fill a sleep pillow with anise seed to prevent disturbing dreams. A fabulous incense wood with a sweet and dry aroma. The dried nuts represent male fertility. Carried to improve mental ability and bring wisdom. Carry myrtle leaves to attract love, burn as an incense to bring beauty. Stinging nettles are an interesting herb that we have growing rampant here in Nebraska. Dandelion leaves are a common choice for those looking to lower blood pressure too. Why Try Herbal Medicines. First used by the Greeks over 2000 years ago lemon balm has a long standing use in herbal medicine. Use quince seeds in charms and spells pertaining to love, protection, and happiness. Chamomile is very common in the form of a tea, it's simple to make a home too. Crush the flowers and rub into the forehead to enhance psychic powers. Carry or burn as an incense to increase courage and strength of character. Basil can also be used to ease the effects of insect bites and stings, simply crush the leaves so the juices can be applied to the affected area. Magickal uses include fidelity, love, money, protection, and the blessing of domestic animals. Burn or strew about the house to relieve disharmony in the home or remove tensions. Helps to promote new, innovative ideas. Magickally used for banishing and to dispel angry or violent vibrations. Increases sexual attraction and persuasiveness. Like a lot of the others in this list of herbs Valerian was probably first used by the Greeks and Romans centuries ago. Excellent for magickal healing and protecting against dark fears of the emotions & imagination. Next on our list of herbs is Echinacea also known as Black Sampson it is referred to by the native Americans of the plains as snake root, because it was traditionally used to treat snake bites. Protection, exorcism and purification. Used to commune with those of the Underworld. Add to any herbal mixture to boost divination. For women who do not want their partners to have outside relationships. Used to decorate maypoles. Lust, sex magick and attracting love. Carry to ward off petty jealousy against you or aid in providing courage to face difficult situations. Protection of home & garden, vision, and immortality. Wear to provide protection against evil, negativity, attackers, and the temptation to commit adultery. Herbs are usually used in foods, for making medicines, for pest control, and also for spiritual purposes. Love, inspiration, good fortune, and protection from all evil. Use to bring a sense of kinship to a social gathering. Protection from nightmares & sorcery, courage, cursing, and invoking spirits. Herbs are defined as the leaves and stems of soft-stemmed, non-woody plants. While not a big deal when applying to the skin one should be aware of this yellow sap when taking aloe gel orally. Then you'll want to mix an equal amount of the chickweed and olive oil and blend the mixture for around 20 seconds. Symbolizes the soul and is burned at Samhain in honor of those who will be reborn in the spring. Bury on northwest side of house to draw good luck. Adds power to any magickal workings. Fidelity, love, and hex breaking. Keep the liquid in a bottle and when you're ready to use it just take a cotton ball wet it down with the liquid and apply it to your face. Carry or place under rugs to increase luck and ensure steady flow of money; carry on trips for protection & safety; use to stuff luck or money poppets. Spiritual opening, meditation, and healing. Burn in a cauldron and use the ashes in amulets for protection from hunger and poverty. Provides help and strength when facing danger or dire times. Today you can find ginger being used to treat problems associated with motion sickness. Ancient Egyptians used herbs and essential oils to soften and perfume their skin. When many people think of herbs, they think of cooking. Then you simply remove the lower leaves of the cut so that you're left with a stem containing 4-6 leaves on the top. Use in rituals to give honor to gods and goddesses of fertility. Place a pinch in the corners of the room to open a new love. Carried to bring great popularity & attract new friends. Keep in a jar by family pictures to keep the family safe. Capsules are also a great quick way to get the benefits of skullcap if you don't have the time to make a tea. Add a thyme infusion to the bath regularly to ensure a constant flow of money. Love, protection, psychic opening, and spiritual growth. Fertility, focus, potency, and divination. Serves as a protective ward when worn. Herbs are the leaf part of a plant that is used in cooking – these can be used fresh or dried. Protection, exorcism and warding off evil spirits. Hang in the home for protection from lightning & fire. Used for love divination and to raise one's spirits by increasing sense of hope and faith. Banishes all things injurious to good health; attracts good, healthy energies and love. Useful at any time of crisis. Attracts respect and admiration, provides good luck in court and other legal matters. Sprinkle an infusion of Borage around the house to ward off evil. Use the leaves and flowers in love rituals to bring on a marriage proposal. Use to anoint furnishings and household objects. Raises vibrations, promotes psychic opening, overcomes obstacles, and draws prosperity. Burn for protective work, consecration, and meditation. Magickal uses include snake charming & fertility. Carry for healing. Overcoming fear & inner blockages; dispelling negative emotions. Sprinkle an infusion of the herb around the home the night before court proceedings to help in winning a court case. Sacred to serpent goddesses. Associated with faeries. Use in love charms & spells. Rub on the inside of the knees to attract exciting sexual encounters. Use only the flowers in magick, as the roots give off fumes when drying. Treasure finding, youth, concentration, focus, and house & business blessing. Magickal uses include winning in court, doubling money, hex breaking and sex magick. Magickal uses include healing protection, exorcism, passion and spiritual openings. The calendula herb can also be taken orally to help ease upset stomachs, ulcers and fevers as well. Wear a peach pit to keep away evil. Use yellow mustard seed in an amulet to bring faith followed by success -- this is one of the oldest known good luck amulets. Note: Use with caution, can be poisonous. Also Called: Hawthorne, Haw, May Bush, May Tree, Mayblossom, Mayflower, Quickset, Thorn-apple Tree, Whitethorn, Bread and Cheese Tree, Quick, Gazels, Ladies' Meat, Also Called: Hogs Bean, Devil's Eye, Henbells, Sukran, Also Called: High John the Conqueror, John the Conqueror, Jalap Root, Also Called: Tinne, Bat's Wings, Hulm, Hulver Bush, Holm Chaste, Also Called: Woodbine, Jin Yin Hua, Dutch Honeysuckle, Goat's Leaf, Also Called: White Horehound, Hoarhound, Marrubium, Bugleweed, Also Called: Pikake, Ysmyn, Jessamin, Moonlight on the Grove, Also Called: Juniper Berries, Ginepro, Enebro, Wachholder, Also Called: Ava, Ava Pepper, Intoxicating Pepper, Also Called: Nine Hooks, Dewcup, Lion's Foot, Bear's Foot, Stellaria, Also Called: Spike, Nardus, Elf Leaf, Nard, Also Called: Citronnier, Neemoo, Leemoo, Limone, Limoun, Also Called: Melissa, Sweet Balm, Balm Mint, Bee Balm, Blue Balm, Cure-all, Dropsy Plant, Garden Balm, Sweet Balm, Also Called: Licorice Root, Yashtimadhu, Mithilakdi, Mulathi, Liquorice, Sweet Root, Lacris, Lacrisse, Lycorys, Reglisse, Also Called: Jacob's Ladder, Male Lily, Our Lady's Tears, Ladder-to-Heaven, May Lily, Constancy, Also Called: Lime Blossoms, Linden Flowers, Tilia, Also Called: Pukeweed, Indian Tobacco, Bladderpod, Wild Tobacco, Emetic Herb, Emetic Weed, Asthma Weed, Rag Root, Vomit Wort, Also Called: Cucumber Tree, Blue Magnolia, Swamp Sassafras, Magnolia Tripetata, Also Called: Mandragora, Satan's Apple, Manroot, Circeium, Gallows, Herb of Circe, Mandragor, Raccoon Berry, Ladykins, Womandrake, Sorceror's Root, Wild Lemon, Also Called: Bride of the Sun, Ruddes, Marygold, Also Called: Joy of the Mountain, Mountain Mint, Also Called: Althea, Sweet Weed, Mallards, Guimauve, Mortification Plant, Schloss Tea, Wymote, Also Called: Gravel Root, Bride of the Meadow, Bridewort, Little Queen, Gravelweed, Joe-Pye Weed, Purple Boneset, Kidney Root, Trumpet Weed, Trumpet Vine, Meadowsweet. To do this you need a 1/2 lb of bark from the witch hazel tree, distilled water, and vodka. Lavender is probably best noted for its fragrance and is a great herb to use for a stressful day. Some people said that you could judge the potency of the Valerian by the reaction the cat had to the herb. Carry or sprinkle around the home or place of business to drive away negativity. Use in cleansing baths and rituals before working magick. Awakens joy and dissolves negativity. People use to use Valerian in sort of the same way we use catnip today. Reinforces romance between consensual partners and increases potential of a relationship carrying into the next incarnation. Protection and luck. Work into any charm or spell to increase its power. Attracts romance. The Aloe Vera plant is first on our list of herbs and their uses, and rightfully so. Represents fertility and is used to invoke Mother Earth. Use in love potions or to increase the power of any magickal workings. Plantain grows world wide now often thought of as a weed, it does however have some powerful medicinal benefits that shouldn't go unnoticed. Protection from evil spirits and snake bites, removing weariness, healing headaches; house & business blessing. Unlike the common marigold calendula is edible and has very little scent. This yellow sap is called aloin and if ingested will act as a laxative, if aloin is used for prolonged periods it can lead to depletion of electrolytes and dependence for normal bowl function. Great in sachets for this purpose. Hex-breaking, love drawing, bringing back a lover, fidelity, and binding. Add to the bath for personal protection. Valerian was once used to treat people suffering from the plague. Try adding some honey or stevia to sweeten the deal up and add a little mint for an extra layer of flavor. Uses include snakebite and divination; good for charging quartz crystals. Magickal uses include attracting friendship and prosperity and heightening libido. The history of lavender is quite long stretching back about 2500 years to the Mediterranean. They would rub the juices of the roots on their bodies to heal burns, or like mentioned above would use it to treat toothaches. Use in spells for protection, healing, and purification. I'm aiming to make this your one source for finding information about your favorite herbs, so let's get to it. Carry to keep thoughts pleasant and clear. Associated with divination, music, poetry, wind magick, weather magick, teaching, and decision making. You should also take care to monitor your blood sugar to avoid an unsafe drop in blood pressure. If the rash persists though you should stop the use as you may have an allergy towards capsaicin. Used to attract faeries. Crush and place under the mattress to attract love and marriage prospects. Protects against negativity and dark magick. Use an infusion of mesquite in the bath for purification. One cool thing that I found you can do with basil is cloning it. Put in baths to aid in financial arrangements. Burning an ash log at Yule brings prosperity. Use in charms and spells to obtain treasure, riches, and wealth. Deity: Flora, Chiron. Increase joy and restore a bright outlook on life. Burn with fern to bring rain. So its no surprise that a lot of herbal practitioners are recommending lemon balm as a treatment to Alzheimer's. Associated with babies and newborn infants. Stops gossip and slander, promotes healing. Burn with frankincense for protection. Love, manifestations, protection, healing, de-stressing, and assisting in healing from the loss of a loved one. Used for attracting love and preventing storms. Use in spellwork, rituals, gris gris bags, etc. Place around divination and scrying tools to increase their power or near the bed to enable astral travel. A lot of people through out the history of people have used Yarrow as sort of a standby herb and that is why I've decided to include it in our list of herbs. Place under the pillow to induce prophetic dreams. Burn on the night of a full moon to bring a new lover by the new moon. Magickal uses include meditation and clearing. Burn with other healing herbs to bring peace and comfort to one who is ailing. Mental clarity & focus. Use in ritual baths or prayer bowls for healing. This is a great way to get the lavender oil into the air and keeps your room more humid too. If you feel you have been cursed, rub this herb on your body and then bathe. Steep in wine to make love potions. Write your wish on a chip of sandalwood and burn it in the censer or cauldron while visualizing your wish to make it come true. Note: Poisonous, do not consume. Magickal uses include healing, protection, exorcism, repulsion of vampires, and purification of spaces and objects. As you might expect from an herb like basil it has a pretty profound effect on the digestive system and therefore works great for treating things like indigestion, bloating, and gas. Attracts abundance and happiness through love and marriage. Eat to provoke lust and promote fertility. Burn as an incense or use in a sachet to raise spiritual and protective vibrations, draw money, and stimulate psychic powers. Place on a candle before or during uncomfortable meetings. If you're taking any medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, anxiety or insomnia you should talk to your doctor before taking the nettle herb.. A compress basil has a long and happy marriage into a tea candle or... Invisibility from enemies and demons spice than an herb I still think it 's more of consensual! Banishing hostile/negative forces, and effective soups, salads, and dream magick today root. Different flavors each month to attract love from the home or setting a. Are asking for a powerful love powder strengthen love as cuts,,! Vera plant is used for banishing and to control the weather headaches, memory. 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